6.3. Joining#

Data scientists very frequently want to join two or more dataframes together in order to connect data values across dataframes. For instance, an online bookstore might have one dataframe with the books each user has ordered and a second dataframe with the genres of each book. By joining the two dataframes together, the data scientist can see what genres each user prefers.

We’ll continue looking at the baby names data. We’ll use joins to check some trends mentioned in the New York Times article about baby names. The article talks about how certain categories of names have become more or less popular over time. For instance, it mentions that mythological names like Julius and Cassius have become popular, while baby boomer names like Susan and Debbie have become less popular. How has the popularity of these categories changed over time?

We’ve taken the names and categories in the NYT article and put them in a small dataframe:

nyt = pd.read_csv('nyt_names.csv')
nyt_name category
0 Lucifer forbidden
1 Lilith forbidden
2 Danger forbidden
... ... ...
20 Venus celestial
21 Celestia celestial
22 Skye celestial

23 rows × 2 columns

To see how popular the categories of names are, we join the nyt dataframe with the baby dataframe to get the name counts from baby:

baby = pd.read_csv('babynames.csv')
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
2 Oliver M 14147 2020
... ... ... ... ...
2020719 Verona F 5 1880
2020720 Vertie F 5 1880
2020721 Wilma F 5 1880

2020722 rows × 4 columns

For intuition, we can imagine going down each row in baby and asking: is this name in the nyt table? If so, then add the value in the category column to the row. This is the basic idea behind a join. Let’s look at a few examples on smaller dataframes first.

6.3.1. Inner Joins#

We start by making smaller versions of the baby and nyt tables so that it’s easier to see what happens when we join tables together:

nyt_name category
0 Karen boomer
1 Julius mythology
2 Freya mythology
Name Sex Count Year
0 Noah M 18252 2020
1 Julius M 960 2020
2 Karen M 6 2020
3 Karen F 325 2020
4 Noah F 305 2020

To join tables in pandas, we’ll use the .merge() method:

                 left_on='Name',        # column in left table to match
                 right_on='nyt_name')   # column in right table to match
Name Sex Count Year nyt_name category
0 Julius M 960 2020 Julius mythology
1 Karen M 6 2020 Karen boomer
2 Karen F 325 2020 Karen boomer

Notice that the new table has the columns of both the baby_small and nyt_small tables. The rows with the name Noah are gone. And the remaining rows have their matching category from nyt_small.


Readers should also be aware that pandas has a .join() method for joining two dataframes together. However, the .merge() method has more flexibility for how the dataframes are joined, which is why we focus on .merge(). We encourage readers to consult the pandas documentation for the exact difference between the two.

When we join two tables together, we tell pandas the column(s) from each table that we want to use to make the join (the left_on and right_on arguments). pandas matches rows together when the values in the joining columns match, as shown in Fig. 6.4.


Fig. 6.4 To join, pandas matches rows using the values in the Name and nyt_name columns, dropping rows that don’t have matching values#

By default, pandas does an inner join. If either table has rows that don’t have matches in the other table, pandas drops those rows from the result. In this case, the Noah rows in baby_small don’t have matches in nyt_small, so they are dropped. Also, the Freya row in nyt_small doesn’t have matches in baby_small, so it’s dropped as well. Only the rows with a match in both tables stay in the final result.

6.3.2. Left, Right, and Outer Joins#

We sometimes want to keep rows without a match instead of dropping them entirely. There are other types of joins—left, right, and outer—that keep rows even when they don’t have a match.

In a left join, rows in the left table without a match are kept in the final result, as shown in Fig. 6.5.


Fig. 6.5 In a left join, rows in the left table that don’t have matching values are kept#

To do a left join in pandas, use how='left' in the call to .merge():

                 how='left')           # left join instead of inner
Name Sex Count Year nyt_name category
0 Noah M 18252 2020 NaN NaN
1 Julius M 960 2020 Julius mythology
2 Karen M 6 2020 Karen boomer
3 Karen F 325 2020 Karen boomer
4 Noah F 305 2020 NaN NaN

Notice that the Noah rows are kept in the final table. Since those rows didn’t have a match in the nyt_small dataframe, the join leaves NaN values in the nyt_name and category columns. Also, notice that the Freya row in nyt_small is still dropped.

A right join works similarly to the left join, except that nonmatching rows in the right table are kept instead of the left table:

Name Sex Count Year nyt_name category
0 Karen M 6.0 2020.0 Karen boomer
1 Karen F 325.0 2020.0 Karen boomer
2 Julius M 960.0 2020.0 Julius mythology
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN Freya mythology

Finally, an outer join keeps rows from both tables even when they don’t have a match:

Name Sex Count Year nyt_name category
0 Noah M 18252.0 2020.0 NaN NaN
1 Noah F 305.0 2020.0 NaN NaN
2 Julius M 960.0 2020.0 Julius mythology
3 Karen M 6.0 2020.0 Karen boomer
4 Karen F 325.0 2020.0 Karen boomer
5 NaN NaN NaN NaN Freya mythology

6.3.3. Example: Popularity of NYT Name Categories#

Now let’s return to the full dataframes baby and nyt:

# .head() slices out the first few rows - convenient for saving space
Name Sex Count Year
0 Liam M 19659 2020
1 Noah M 18252 2020
nyt_name category
0 Lucifer forbidden
1 Lilith forbidden

We want to know how the popularity of name categories in nyt has changed over time. To answer this question:

  1. Inner join baby with nyt.

  2. Group the table by category and Year.

  3. Aggregate the counts using a sum:

cate_counts = (
    baby.merge(nyt, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name') # [1]
    .groupby(['category', 'Year'])                       # [2]
    ['Count']                                            # [3]
    .sum()                                               # [3]
category Year Count
0 boomer 1880 292
1 boomer 1881 298
2 boomer 1882 326
... ... ... ...
647 mythology 2018 2944
648 mythology 2019 3320
649 mythology 2020 3489

650 rows × 3 columns

Now we can plot the popularity of boomer names and mythology names:

boomers = px.line(cate_counts.query('category == "boomer"'),
                  x='Year', y='Count')
myths = px.line(cate_counts.query('category == "mythology"'),
                x='Year', y='Count')

fig = left_right(boomers, myths, width=500, height=200,
                 subplot_titles=['Boomer names', 'Mythology names'])
margin(fig, t=30)

As the NYT article claims, baby boomer names have become less popular since 2000, while mythology names have become more popular.

We can also plot the popularities of all the categories at once. Take a look at the following plots and see whether they support the claims made in the New York Times article:

fig = px.line(cate_counts, x='Year', y='Count',
              facet_col='category', facet_col_wrap=3,
              width=600, height=400)
margin(fig, t=30)
fig.update_yaxes(matches=None, showticklabels=False)

In this section, we introduced joins for dataframes. When joining dataframes together, we match rows using the .merge() function. It’s important to consider the type of join (inner, left, right, or outer) when joining dataframes. In the next section, we’ll explain how to transform values in a dataframe.